Technology and Support Centre
The Technology and Support Centre (TFZ) is an institution of the Bavarian Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Forestry (Bayerisches Staatsministerium für Ernährung, Landwirtschaft und Forsten).
The main goals of the TFZ and its more than 80 staff members are the support of the agricultural production, the processing and utilization of renewable resources by applied research, the development and testing of products and methods, and the transfer of technology by demonstration and education. In addition the TFZ is responsible for financial support of projects in Bavaria.
Applied research, development, testing and process evaluation at the TFZ is done in three different divisions:
Our Tasks in particular
- development of agricultural production technology including plant breeding for new raw material crops, which shall be used for both, energetic and non-energetic applications,
- conduction and evaluation of agriculture field trials and execution of model projects,
- continued development and testing of technology and methods for the provision of renewable solid and liquid biomass fuels and raw materials with particular focus on applications in rural areas,
- provide consulting services to the agricultural sector and to companies, politicians as well as administrators,
- demonstration of practical applications, including permanent and non-permanent exhibitions and regular training sessions,
- the granting of government subsidies for biomass-based raw material applications.