Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection
Article: A spray-on environmentally friendly degradable mulch material and its high efficiency in controlling above-ground biomass of weeds in greenhouse experiments

This study describes a novel spray-on mulch material as an alternative to currently used weed control methods. The mulch material is based on renewable raw materials, mainly rapeseed oil, starch and sodium alginate. Laboratory tests were conducted to obtain a mulch material with the best possible properties. With the favouritised variant an outdoor field test was carried out to investigate the durability under natural conditions over the vegetation period. In the greenhouse, the effect of the mulch material on weeds was studied, too. (Kirchinger, M.; Holzknecht, E.; Redl, M.; Steinkellner, S.; Emberger, P.; Remmele, E.) (12 Seiten)
Erscheinungsdatum: April 2024
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