TFZ-Komapakt 13
Climate Protection by Rapeseed Fuel Oil

In the booklet TFZ-Kompakt 13 the TFZ scientists of the expert group for resource management bioenergy in Bavaria "ExpRessBio" explain how a greenhouse gas balance is calculated. This is done using the example of regional production of rapeseed oil fuel in Bavaria. They show the parameters and recommendations for a climate-friendly production - from cultivation to oil extraction. They illustrate that the evaluation of the co-product, in this case press cake which replaces soybean meal imports as local protein feed, has a great impact on the result. For agriculture and forestry, regionally produced rapeseed oil fuel offers the opportunity to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, to provide local protein feed and to generate added value in rural areas. (14 Seiten)
Erscheinungsdatum: Dezember 2017
Preis: 0,80 €
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